Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm racist.

About eggs at least.

This post has no photos or anything like that but It's something!

Today I went 5 minutes outside of the little farm town I live in, to get eggs from a farm. Not really a farm, actually, it was someone's house. Driving up it was sort of endearing, the yard was poorly tended and a badly made "brown eggs" sign was sitting against a dead tree stump. Normally people would run and hide from this place, but not me! I went up to the door and knocked and a tall man in overalls, covered in paint opened the door for me and said to come on inside. Sitting at the table in this very old fashioned, faintly musty kitchen was a man easily in his 90's. He raised chickens in his backyard and sold eggs for extra money. $1.25 a dozen. Now at the supermarket they are around $3 a dozen for mechanically screwed with eggs, all of the same shiney white, same size and shape. Here, he grabbed some old egg cartons and 3 dozen mishapen, off colored brown eggs and stuck them in a bag for me. I thanked him profusely and left. Once I got home I sat down in the kitchen floor to inspect the eggs like a child with a new toy. Not a single one was uniform in size, shape or color. Some were speckled and dark brown and others were pale brown and a bit lumpy. But to me, they are the best eggs you can get. Something fresh from the chicken and with real flavor.

I made 6 of them into scrambled eggs and they have to be some of the best I've ever had.

So yes, I'm racist. But only when it comes to eggs.

(just say no to store bought white eggs!)

1 comment:

  1. -laughs- That makes sense. I wish there were egg... people... around here. It's the suburbs though. Sad. :(
    I envy you and your tasty eggs! -sends envy mindwaves at you-
